My Story

Back in 2011, I picked up a camera and filmed myself awkwardly in my kitchen for YouTube. in an attempt to share my personal journey and help people around the world. Weird, I know, but now I make a living helping people get in the best shape of their life.
Over the last decade, I've been relentlessly reading, networking and connecting with some of the brightest minds in the industry to level up my knowledge and experience.
I've made plenty of mistakes along the way, and I am here to make sure you don't have to. Deep down I'm a nerd and love to learn, so I enjoy using science as a tool for information, direction and principles, but I never neglect real world experience.
Over the last 10+ years I've used myself as a human experiment. I've pushed my body in so many different directions, and each time was a new opportunity to learn and grow from.
I am genuinely committed to helping people look, feel and perform their best and I'm driven to help them live the life they want. I like to challenge and encourage people to surpass their self-imposed limits, and grow stronger both physically and mentally.
I've had the opportunity to work with 300+ 1 on 1 coaching clients in over 25 different countries, and I feel like I'm just getting strated.
Before The Gym
At first glance, it might seem like I was a "gym rat" my entire life, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
As a kid I was overweight and self-conscious. My biggest concerns in life were what flavor Dorito’s we had in the pantry and what I was going to order from McDonald’s. Typically, a Large Big Mac Value Meal AND a McChicken, or two double cheeseburgers, BUT I did get a diet Coke, because I tried to stay in shape and it worked...I was pretty much a perfect circle.
I wore oversized clothes, had a hoodie for every day of the week (really about two weeks worth) and wore a t-shirt in the pool. I hated the way I looked, but I never had the discipline to work hard and change it and that was no one's fault but mine.
When I "found" the gym, everything changed. It’s helped me overcome insecurities and improve my confidence when I felt fat and lazy. The gym has helped me become the man I am today and has taught me how to exercise integrity and self-discipline in my life.
Training has helped me focus, has been an escape from stress and anxiety, and has given me the opportunity to meet and connect with so many like-minded and growth-minded people.

Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most.
All or nothing?

Some people think that balance = average but I disagree. I do believe that if you’re going to do something, you put in 110% effort and make it worth your time, but it’s so damn important to really look at your why.
I thought abs were the answer. I thought they would make me happy so I tied my emotions to my physique and lost control.
I told myself it was all or nothing and hit the ground running, and I literally ran myself into the ground. I felt like shit everyday. I was training on low calories, doing tons of cardio, and isolating myself in pursuit of something so superficial. I thought this was normal. You have to suffer to look good right? Wrong.
It took years to realize that my self-worth was not determined by how I looked, and I want to ensure you don't make the same mistakes I did.